10 Riding Essentials
1. Recording Your Ride:
It is difficult for a rider to judge their training session or competition ride without sitting back and watching a recording. Nor is it always is it possible to have a cameraman ready on hand to record you. Introducing Pixio – the auto-follow camera. Pixio is like your own robot that will follow you, will zoom in and out automatically and capture your ride perfectly. As Pixio can also be used inside as well as outside, it can be used for many other important events that you may want to record.
Visit ProEquestrian Surfaces webpage to find out more about the Pixio Auto Follow Camera. visit: proequestriansurfaces.com.au
2. Riding Helmets:
As of the 1st January 2017, the new regulation for riding helmets in competition become effective. Can you answer yes to these questions? Does your helmet comply with the new rules? Does your helmet fit properly? If you can’t answer yes, you need to look at replacing your old helmet. The price of a new helmet is priceless should you have a fall. Regardless of whether you compete or not, it is best to be reassured that you have the
best protection possible.
You can find a wide range of helmet at Horseland so go and see at your nearest store, or you can buy online. visit: horseland.com.au
3. Insurance:
Arranging insurance can be overwhelming for horse owners. In the event of an accident
have you considered how it would affect you if your horse is injured and you have mounting vet bills? The stress of an injured horse is bad enough however by having insurance this can alleviate the added pressure of the huge expenses
that can occur. The team at Fitton HorseInsure have first-hand experience and knowledge in the horse industry and have been looking after horse enthusiasts since 1984. They are fully qualified and trained in all facets of the insurance industry so they can arrange a policy that suits your specific needs. It’s worth that phone call to see what your
options are.
Call the team at Fitton HorseInsure today on 07 4638 4233 or email jo@fitton.com.au to arrange an obligation free quotation
4. A Safe Horse Float:
If you own a horse at some point in time you will want to transport him, whether it be to a competition, going on a trail ride or to pony club a safe float is paramount. So how do you go about buying a float and stop hiring that clapped out float? You need to go a company that can help you find the right float for your budget and you are guaranteed great service when your call iCredit. They even have flexible repayment options to meet your needs. It is stressful purchasing any major item, so it is import to talk with a trusted company like iCredit.
Visit: icredit.net.au
5. Wound Care:
Owning a horse you need to make sure you have a first aid kit fitted out with the simple items to take care of any incidents. Your horse isn’t in a sterile environment sometimes wounds get infected and hard to treat so we recommend that you consider having EquiMed bandages in your first aid kit. EquiMed bandage is a blend of carbon
and silver which draws out the bacteria and allows the body to start healing itself. No messy creams, no ointments – just a bandage. How simple is that!
Visit: equimedag.com.au
6. Horse Boots:
It is paramount to protect your horse’s leg from injury. You need a product that is
cost effective, easy to use and a style and colour to suit your needs. We recommend
you go and check out Horseland for your bell or shin boots.
Visit: horseland.com.au
7. Protective Hoof Boots:
Not everyone wants their horse shod, and many prefer the barefoot movement. Just like us we like to take our shoes off so why not opt the same principal for your horse? But what happens when you want that extra protection for your horse’s hoofs? That question has been solved by Scoot Boots with their unique, innovative hoof boot technology and is superior to other boots… easy on and off, lightweight, easy to clean, doesn’t turn on the hoof, or get soggy or heavy, excellent traction and does not impede the horse’s movement. We suggest you check out Scoot Boots and their website. The team can advise you on the size, and they are just a phone call/email away too.
Visit: scootboots.com
8. Riding Gloves:
There are more reasons to wear a glove than it is part of the competition gear. Gloves help you to firmly grip on the reins, keeps your hand warm in cold weather and stop your hands from stiffening up, and if it is hot, it stops sweaty hands becoming slippery on the reins. If you fall with the reins between your fingers, the gloves will protect your hands and if the horse pulls they can prevent blisters. It is also a good idea to wear your gloves when lunging your horse or for that matter any ground work. There are different types of gloves from riding gloves to light work gloves. SSG Gloves have gloves for the horseman
in mind – they use high-quality natural materials and have many luxurious styles.
visit: ssgridinggloves.com
9. Riding Balance:
It is not always possible to have a trainer by your side to tell you that your balance
in your saddle isn’t correct. One of the most important facets of riding is attaining
that balance as without this you are not in tune with your horse. Balance and
muscle control go hand in hand so should also consider exercises off the saddle to
strengthen those core muscles. So, how do you know if you are balanced when
riding your horse? Simple – with modern technology! CoreX Equine app works
with your Apple device and is attached to a belt which sits neatly in the small of your
back, and it tells you when your balance with physical vibrations and also audio cues. It
has a durable belt and is a one size fits all with an adjustable velcro material with a clip to easily fit your iPhone or iPod. It is lightweight so won’t impede on your riding session. CoreX Equine plus iPhone clip is an inexpensive way to gain the correct
balance in your saddle.
visit: equicanine.com.au/corex-equine/
10. Ice-Bandages:
Immediate first aid is always best when an injury occurs but what if you need ice as the treatment? It is not always possible to be near a fridge to access the ice. There is an easy solution to this – Equinice is a product you should consider as it is a reusable compression cooling bandage that does not need refrigeration or ice to get results. It works by a
rapid evaporation cooling method and draws out the heat while also providing support to the area via compression. Easy to keep in your first aid kit as doesn’t require
refrigeration, can be used anywhere, is reusable – just recharge with coolant.
Visit: equinice.com.au