Saddle Fit and Top 10 List
By Jochen Schleese, CMS, CSFT, CSE
©2017 Saddlefit 4 Life® All Rights Reserved.
I remember a couple of years ago when David Letterman was still on TV and his ‘top ten’ lists were probably my favourite part of his show. So I thought it would be a fun idea to post some ‘top 10’ lists that I have compiled over the years; many thanks particularly to Cavallo magazine in Germany which provided a lot of the ‘food for thought’ on these lists. And someone once told me that lists containing 10 items are the most popular because “10” is a significant number. (We have 10 fingers, 10 toes, there are 10 commandments, etc.)
10 SIGNS OF SADDLE PRESSURE (caused by a poor saddle fit):
- Tight muscle at front edge of shoulder blade
- Lame in the front, if insertion of longissimus pinches at withers
- Pinched withers cause twitching at the elbow
- Muscle atrophy (visible dip) at the withers
- Hair loss, blisters, inability to move the skin around in the SSA
- Bucking reflex activated by saddle that is too long – causes ‘hopping’
- Atrophy at the croup – pressure on the spinal nerves causes one-sided development of the muscles as horse tries to avoid pain
- Energy blockage of the meridians can cause heart, circulatory, and breathing issues
- Gullet channel which is too narrow impedes expansion of the longissimus àcan block the movement of the forehand and cause uneven sweating
- Girth pinching will shorten strides
- They have a quick reaction time ( these horses are observant and sensitive to intention – may react before rider actually gives the aids)
- They can concentrate (able to work long and hard and can deal with more repetition when learning)
- They will learn quickly (new tasks are interesting – love the challenges)
- They are easily motivated (praise and rewards increase their willingness to learn)
- They have a great memory (once a lesson is learned, even years later they will react to the stimulus or aid)
- They tend to spook (will react intensively to distractions)
- They are escape artists (generally very capable motor skills)
- They can be too sensitive (quick reactions and don’t forgive inattention of the rider)
- They will never forget a transgression (will remember the pain or lack of rewards – poor experiences are retained)
- They need a smart rider (smart horses need stimulation at least 1/2hour day or will develop stereotypies from boredom.
(Debunked and proven through various experimental research activities and documented by and with thanks to Cavallo magazine in Germany)
- Only unfit riders use a mounting block. Actually: a horse finds it difficult to balance the weight difference from left to right during mounting, and it is also better for the saddle and leathers
- Rollkuer (hyperflexion) is good gymnastics. Actually: it impedes breathing and vision, tightens the back, and causes anxiety.
- Cavessons put undue pressure on the horse’s nose. Actually: a well-padded, well-fitting cavesson with properly positioned fittings is optimal for lunging a horse.
- ‘Joining up’ (natural horsemanship) is horse-friendly training. Actually: Joining up is unnatural behaviour and can even cause psychological damage to the horse.
- Thicker bits are better for the horse’s mouth. Actually: thicker bits are designed badly and often cause pinching due to lack of room in the mouth.
- Hay causes obesity. Actually: Hay is better for the horse’s constitution than oats. Too many oats (prevalent in high-performance horses) can cause overweight.
- Bandages protect the horse’s legs. Actually: Bandaging can damage the lymphatic system of the cannon bones. Compression ‘socks’ are recommended; the best support for the lymphatic system is exercise!
- Short trailering trips get horses used to the trailer. Actually: stress levels are highest at the beginning of the trip; horses don’t really ‘relax’ until after at least ½ hour driving.
- Horses will find their way home. Actually: horses don’t have an inner compass, as zebras seem to have.
- Horses can’t vomit. Actually: when their stomachs are filled to bursting they can – vomiting does signify a lethal situation however and requires immediate attention!
- Oats are the best energy food – easily digestible.
- Solid training needs time; horses should be ‘broken in’ at age 4 and basic training should be at least 2 years (as was done in the military)
- “Bleeding” seems to help for founder – it’s a middle-ages cure that is finding a renaissance
- Cavessons are the best tool for lunging. It just doesn’t work with a bit and bridle.
- Praise helps in the learning process, as do food rewards. (Slaps on the neck actually scare the horse!)
- Stereotypical behaviour is contagious. It’s not – it’s usually due to stress or boredom (such as weaving for eg).
- Arabs have one less vertebra. Not necessarily – variations can occur in all breeds.
- You shouldn’t look at your horse when you lead him. That’s just silly.
- Teeth can tell a horse’s age. That’s about as reliable as reading tea leaves. It’s an inexact guess at any time.
- Keep your heels down! This edict is as old as it is wrong – this position will totally cramp the leg all the way up to the hip.
And Finally…
10 QUOTES about HORSES from famous people
- A horse is a thing of beauty… none will tire of looking at him as long as he displays himself in his splendour. (Xenophon)
- There’s nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse. (Ronald Regan)
- The spirited horse, which will try to win the race of its own accord, will run even faster if encouraged. (Ovid)
- All you need for happiness is a good gun, a good horse, and a good wife. (Daniel Boone)
- Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people. (C Fields)
- Take care to sell your horse before he dies. The art of life is passing losses on. (Robert Frost)
- I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse. (Charles V)
- When your horse follows you without being asked, when he rubs his head on your and when you look at him and feel a tingle down your spine…you know you are loved. (John Lyons)
- To understand the soul of a horse is the closest human beings can come to knowing perfection. (Author Unknown)
- No heaven can heaven be if my horse isn’t there to welcome me. (Author Unknown)