A Tribute To Vienna
The new gala programme celebrates its premiere on November 27th in the Spanish Riding School

“When very special Viennese riders, Viennese musicians and singers come together something unique arises. Especially as this very special union performs in the baroque atmosphere of the Winter Riding School of the imperial palace in Vienna.” These are the words of the CEO of the Spanish Riding School, Dkfm. Elisabeth Gürtler, and Professor Günter Seifert, a member of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, who are looking forward to the start of their new
programme A TRIBUTE TO VIENNA on November 27th. Riders of the Spanish Riding School, Professor Günter Seifert and eight of his Philharmonic colleagues will turn the evening into a full pleasure. What is more, a singer will enchant the audience with Waltz songs. Alexandra Reinprecht, a popular and well-known singer at the Vienna State Opera and the Vienna People’s Opera will inaugurate the event on November 27th. The following event dates will be either accompanied by Alexandra Reinprecht or Ildiko Raimondi, who is also known from the Vienna State Opera, one of the most famous opera houses in the world. Elisabeth Gürtler and Günter Seifert are sure that “in this particular combination we will honour Vienna – the capital of music – in a very special way and enchant our local audience as well as the guests from abroad!”
A TRIBUTE TO VIENNA will be performed in the most beautiful riding hall in the world, the Winter Riding Hall of the Spanish Riding School. The Spanish Riding School is not only the oldest but also the only riding institution in the world, which has cherished and maintained the High School of Classical Horsemanship in its purest form for over 450 years.

At the rehearsals for the premiere: Federal Minister Andrä Rupprechter, CEO and COO of the Spanish Riding School Dkfm. Elisabeth Gürtler and Mag. Erwin Klissenbauer, Professor Günter Seifert with his Philharmonic colleagues, singer Alexandra Reinprecht as well as the Riders Herwig Radnetter and Herbert Seiberl.
The performance of A TRIBUTE TO VIENNA will share the highlights of the Viennese ballet of the white stallions alternating with music of the imperial period. During the performance, the Spanish Riding School presents among others the “Pas de Deux”, a duet in harmony of two Lipizzaner stallions and Riders, in which the Haute Ecole is shown in highest elegance and harmony, as well as the world famous Schools Above the Ground: the Capriole, Levade and Courbette. Professor Günter Seifert also presents a typical Viennese repertoire: from the Waltz Song of Johann Strauß Son “Out there in Sievering the lilac is blooming already“, to his “Schwipslied”, the “Annen-Polka”, the “Chinese Galop” by Johann Strauß Father, the “Jubelwalzer” by Joseph Lanner to the overture of Mozarts Opera “La Clemenza di Tito” as well as the ”Radetzky March”, one of the most famous marches in the world, which traditionally concludes every new year’s concert in Austria and has a highly symbolic meaning for the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.
Let yourself be whisked away on a musical journey back into the Austrian imperial period. The performance dates of these wonderful evening events will be the following:
- Premiere: November 27th (with Alexandra Reinprecht)
- Further dates for 2016: April 22nd, May 13th, June 3rd, June 17th, October 14th, and December 9th The performance will be commented and presented in German and English.Under the heading of A TRIBUTE TO VIENNA the Spanish Riding School started a programme together with the Viennese Boy’s Choir already two years ago, which is a full success and will also be performed again in the following year.Information and tickets:More information: 0043 1 533 90 31-0 or www.srs.at
Tickets: 0043 1 533 90 31-0 or www.srs.at (online booking possible from October 30th on)