Small but Mighty at the IALHA Nationals

Triple Crown Excellence Award Presented to Rider of the Little Horse That Could at 2017 IALHA Nationals
Katy, TX (November 9, 2017)— At the 2017 International Andalusian and Lusitano Horse Association (IALHA) Nationals, versatility was the name of the game as Andalusian and Lusitano horses in all shapes and sizes competed for national championship titles in a variety of disciplines. Four-year-old Andalusian, Tantaro TA, owned by Nadine Tilly, showed judges and spectators alike that size isn’t everything by winning the Triple Crown Excellence Award. The award was presented to Tilley and her small, but mighty, bay gelding, Tantaro, for his winning performances and stunning style in both the western and hunt seat divisions.
Tilley is the owner of Tilley Andalusians in Hidden Valley, California, and has been involved with Andalusian horses since 1980. Tantaro is a stunning progeny of the breeding operation at Tilley Andalusians. Tilley’s trainer Bill Deeney, who has worked for Tilley Andalusians for 10 years, put Tantaro through his paces at Nationals.
Tilley described Tantaro as “the little guy in the barn.” “He’s not very big—just 15 hands,” she said. “But he’s very pretty and he stands out. You just kind of gravitate towards him. He’s very athletic and personable. For a junior horse, he has enough maturity to have a good work ethic, but still likes to play and have fun too.”
At this year’s Nationals, Tantaro won Champion in the National Championship English Pleasure Hunt Seat Junior Horse class, as well as the National Championship Western Pleasure Junior Horse class while ridden by trainer Bill Deeney. This was just Tantaro’s second show, and Tilley was thrilled with his performance, as well as her trainer’s efforts.
“Bill (Deeney) produces a beautiful show horse—well trained and very versatile,” remarked Tilley.
The judges were very impressed with Tantaro’s big performance and obvious versatility, as he excelled in two very different disciplines. Triple Crown Nutrition was proud to recognize Tantaro and Nadine Tilley’s commitment to excellence by honouring them with the Triple Crown Excellence Award.
Tilley was overjoyed to receive the award and felt it appropriate for her talented little gelding. “It was a surprise!” she said. “He won for versatility and an outstanding performance in one or more disciplines. That was what made it really special.”
Triple Crown Nutrition is committed to honouring horses like Tilley’s Tantaro with the Triple Crown Excellence Award. The company is based in Wayzata, Minnesota, and was the first company to add prebiotics, probiotics, and organic minerals to horse feed. Today, Triple Crown continues to produce the very best in equine nutrition with revolutionary formulations and premium quality ingredients.
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Dressage Team, the Land Rover U.S. Eventing Team, and the Hermes U.S.
Show Jumping Team, go to www.TripleCrownFeed.com, call (800) 451-9916 or visit the company’s Facebook page or Instagram @TripleCrownFeeds