Horse Quotes
Horses bring out the best in people, and the below quotes prove that! These are sure to bring a smile to you as they did for us. “I have never before, in my long and eclectic career, been gifted…
4 Handy Horse Hints
P O P U L A R H A N D Y H I N T S A N D P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E F R O M…
7 Dressage Tips
1. TOE ANGLE One big problem that many novice riders can have is the toe angle. In many beginners, they often point outwards. And if you try to turn your foot at your knee and ankle this just doesn’t work…
Sunburn treatments for your horse
We are certainly experiencing a long extended period of hot weather all over Australia (except Tasmania). At least we can escape to the air-condition but what about our poor animals? Hopefully, your horse has shade and access to plenty clean…
Sunburn in Horses
Sun Safe Horses by Dr. John Kohnke BVSc RDA (Kohnke’s Own) The recent hot and sunny weather can mean sunburn for horses and riders alike. Taking a few preventative measures to stop the sun from burning your horse’s skin, just as…
10 Riding Essentials
1. Recording Your Ride: It is difficult for a rider to judge their training session or competition ride without sitting back and watching a recording. Nor is it always is it possible to have a cameraman ready on hand…
Socialising Stallions
As appeared in issue 21 of BHM 2015 by Danielle Skerman Stallions over time have acquired a certain reputation, and that often consists of being wild, strong and somewhat dangerous. And in many ways this can be true, just like dogs…
Jane Savoie
A few moments with Jane Savoie… As appeared in issue 15 of BHM 2014 Photos: Rhett Savoie | By: Michaela Wake Jane Savoie was born and raised in Massachusetts, USA. She studied at the University of Massachusetts at Amerherst and…
BH Dressage – Issue 26
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Baroque Horse Dressage Magazine issue 26 Cover horse is Boéro – owned by Clémence Faivre PHOTO: Equine Photography by Katarzyna Okrzesik-Mikołajek To subscribe http://baroquehorse.com.au/store/#!/BH-Shop/c/13195024/offset=0&sort=normal – – – – – INSIDE ISSUE 26 Interviews Burt Reynolds –…
Iranico JGR – New progeny of Rubi AR strengthens PCI Team
[vc_row][vc_column][thb_banner type=”effect-roxy” banner_bg=”6431″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Photos by Rita Fernandes for Lusitano World With the arrival of the new year new partnerships are born. «It is with great pleasure that we announce that our colt Iranico JGR (Rubi AR X Sisuda GUB) has…