Baroque Horse DRESSAGE – Issue 25
Welcome to our first special feature of Baroque Horse DRESSAGE and we hope you enjoy.
10. Gerd Heuschmann Interview
Instrumental in bringing to light the danger and harm of riding Rollkur and how did this practice come about.
16. Classical Principles of Dressage by Belinda Bolsenbroek
Belinda is an accomplished coast and master in the art of horsemanship. Guides by the proven principles and foundation already laid by the long gone masters like Xenophon, Pluvinel, de la Gueriniere and Scteinbrecht. She explains the classical principals of dressage – expression, balance, foundation and starting the young horse.
24. Starting Young Horses by Jody Hartstone
In this article Jody shows us here ‘Foundation Training’ system loosely based on the methods of Australian horseman Kel Jeffrey that she learnt via Dri Andrew McLean of Equitation Science International.
32. Carlow Carneiro
Raised in the north of Portugal (Lousada) and now living in Napa and working with many masters over the years we look into how his life has evolved and his love of horses.
36. The Half Pass by Baron D’Eisenberg
The Art of Riding a Horse
42. The Hard Mouthed Horse by Lauren Fraser
The horse may be hard-mouthed or dull sides for a number of reasons, but being born that way isn’t one of them.
Laura discusses how this has come about.
44. Discovering Equine Photography by Katarzyna Okrzekik-Mikolajek
Katarzyna is renowned for her stunning photography of horses and being able to capture their beauty and has regular photography courses. In this article, we look at her workshop and tours.
52. Arena GPS Training Exercises by Dr Thomas Ritter
Sometmes it’s not that easy to have a trainer out all the time, and you can get stuck for training ideas and get pretty boarded with the same of circle work. Here are some ideas to keep you motivated.
56. The Valenca Legacy by Sofia Valenca
Master Luis Valenca and his family have been dedicating their lives to teaching horses and riders for over 50 years. This life experience has empowered them to develop a method that can be adapted to any type of horse, ride or equestrian discipline.
66. 7 Dressage Tips
1. Toe Angle
2. Square Halts
3. Vocalise
4. Transitions, Transitions, Transitions
5. Training Pyramid
6. Disobedience
7. Perfect Circles
68. Understanding Minerals and Supplements
Horses need a number of minerals to build and maintain skeletal and soft tissue and to support the functions of various body systems. Some minerals are more easily absorbed than others, so it is important to include the correct mineral amounts to ratios in equine diets.
72. Equine Hair Shedding by the Nude Horse (Equine Epidemiologist)
What triggers the coast to shed? We look at all the different reasons behind this and also the manes and tails.
74. Demystifying the Immune System by Cath Cox-McDowell
The immune system which is part of an intelligent self-regulating organism is very complex. It is only recently that it was discovered that the brain has a minute lymphatic system.
76. 5 Handy Hints by Dr John Kohnke
1. Warm-up For Suppleness
2. Management to Avoid Joint Disease In Dressage Horses
3. Contol ‘Hot’ Behaviour By Feeding Rather Than Lungeing
4. Tips For Travelling Horses
5. Providing Extra Energy During Long Competitions
80. Q&A
The ‘two-finger’ test for noseband tightness in competition.
Chronic Diarrhoes in a 10-year-old mare